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Irvine Medical Practice Negligence Lawyers – Compassionate Advocates

Irvine Medical Practice Negligence Lawyers – Compassionate Advocates

The majority of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are dedicated to upholding their professional responsibilities to patients. However, errors do occur, and when they are the result of medical negligence, a victim of malpractice may be entitled to significant compensation.

Unlike other types of personal injury claims, medical malpractice lawsuits are subject to unique laws and strict deadlines. An experienced Orange County medical malpractice attorney can help victims build a strong case and pursue the maximum amount of damages possible.

In addition to being aware of these specialized laws, an experienced Irvine medical malpractice lawyer can provide a thorough understanding of the standard of care for various types of healthcare providers in California. This is important, because medical malpractice cases involve a patient’s relationship to a specific healthcare provider and facility.

To establish Irvine Medical Practice Negligence Lawyers – Compassionate Advocates, the plaintiff and their legal team must prove that a medical professional breached their duty to a patient by deviating from the appropriate standard of care for a particular situation. This is a complex task, as it typically involves the assistance of other healthcare professionals and consulting medical experts. The plaintiff must also prove that this deviation from the standard of care caused harm to their patient.

In order to determine the extent of a patient’s injuries, a medical malpractice attorney must gather and analyze evidence such as medical records, laboratory tests, imaging reports, expert witness testimony and more. Once all of this information is available, the medical malpractice attorney can calculate a victim’s losses. This includes both economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages include the cost of a victim’s medical expenses. This can include emergency room visits, hospital bills, physical therapy, medications and other related costs. Non-economic damages include a victim’s pain and suffering. It can be difficult to put a monetary value on this loss, but it is an essential part of any settlement awarded to a victim of medical malpractice.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury as the result of medical negligence, contact the experienced Irvine medical malpractice lawyers at the Law Offices of Samer Habbas today. Our team is well-versed in all of the nuances associated with medical malpractice, and we will take the time to investigate every aspect of your case and determine the full range of damages you are entitled to receive.

Irvine Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

If you are a pedestrian, it is crucial to follow traffic safety rules and be vigilant when out on the road. Unfortunately, there are many drivers who do not respect the rights of pedestrians and fail to share the road. This often leads to serious accidents that can be devastating for those involved. If you have been injured by a negligent driver, our team of experienced Irvine pedestrian accident attorneys can help you file a personal injury claim against them for compensation. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today online or by phone to schedule a free consultation.

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